
What We Do

In the consulting process we offer structured exploratory sessions that are designed to identify or validate the strategic issues of your organization and begin the design of an overall approach to strategic change.

We assist your leadership team in conducting a comprehensive review of key planning elements, including review of the mission, mandates, stakeholder needs, environmental analysis and current performance data analysis, leading to the identification of an overall strategic approach and development of goals, objectives and action plans.

Prior to this process, we will discuss with you any preparatory work that should be completed to maximize the effectiveness of the intervention. Afterwards, we provide coaching for strategic implementation.

Hands of men and woman holding hands

Leadership Development

man sitting across from woman at a desk looking at a laptop

Executive Coaching

Equity and Justice

wooden gavel
woman standing, 2 women sitting with laptops, discussion

Custom Training and Corporate Curriculum

Schedule a Strategy Session

The Bennae Group works with organizations of all types and sizes to manage change successfully.

Lets make a difference and schedule an appointment with us.